
The hx-on* attributes allow you to embed scripts inline to respond to events directly on an element; similar to the onevent properties found in HTML, such as onClick.

The hx-on* attributes improve upon onevent by enabling the handling of any arbitrary JavaScript event, for enhanced Locality of Behaviour (LoB) even when dealing with non-standard DOM events. For example, these attributes allow you to handle htmx events.

There are two forms of hx-on attributes:

In this form, the event name follows a colon : in the attribute, and the attribute value is the script to be executed:

<div hx-on:click="alert('Clicked!')">Click</div>

Note that, in addition to the standard DOM events, all htmx and other custom events can be captured, too!

One gotcha to note is that DOM attributes do not preserve case. This means, unfortunately, an attribute like hx-on:htmx:beforeRequest will not work, because the DOM lowercases the attribute names. Fortunately, htmx supports both camel case event names and also kebab-case event names, so you can use hx-on:htmx:before-request instead.

In order to make writing htmx-based event handlers a little easier, you can use the shorthand double-colon hx-on:: for htmx events, and omit the “htmx” part:

<!-- These two are equivalent -->
<button hx-get="/info" hx-on:htmx:before-request="alert('Making a request!')">
    Get Info!

<button hx-get="/info" hx-on::before-request="alert('Making a request!')">
    Get Info!

If you wish to handle multiple different events, you can simply add multiple attributes to an element:

<button hx-get="/info"
        hx-on::before-request="alert('Making a request!')"
        hx-on::after-request="alert('Done making a request!')">
    Get Info!

Finally, in order to make this feature compatible with some templating languages (e.g. JSX) that do not like having a colon (:) in HTML attributes, you may use dashes in the place of colons for both the long form and the shorthand form:

<!-- These two are equivalent -->
<button hx-get="/info" hx-on-htmx-before-request="alert('Making a request!')">
    Get Info!

<button hx-get="/info" hx-on--before-request="alert('Making a request!')">
    Get Info!

hx-on (deprecated)

The value is an event name, followed by a colon :, followed by the script:

<button hx-get="/info" hx-on="htmx:beforeRequest: alert('Making a request!')">
    Get Info!

Multiple handlers can be defined by putting them on new lines:

<button hx-get="/info" hx-on="htmx:beforeRequest: alert('Making a request!')
                              htmx:afterRequest: alert('Done making a request!')">
    Get Info!


Like onevent, two symbols are made available to event handler scripts:
