
The hx-trigger attribute allows you to specify what triggers an AJAX request. A trigger value can be one of the following:

Standard Events

Standard events refer to web API events (e.g. click, keydown, mouseup, load).

A standard event, such as click can be specified as the trigger like so:

<div hx-get="/clicked" hx-trigger="click">Click Me</div>

Standard Event Filters

Events can be filtered by enclosing a boolean javascript expression in square brackets after the event name. If this expression evaluates to true the event will be triggered, otherwise it will be ignored. Standard event filters require eval.

<div hx-get="/clicked" hx-trigger="click[ctrlKey]">Control Click Me</div>

This event will trigger if a click event is triggered with the event.ctrlKey property set to true.

Conditions can also refer to global functions or state

<div hx-get="/clicked" hx-trigger="click[checkGlobalState()]">Control Click Me</div>

And can also be combined using the standard javascript syntax

<div hx-get="/clicked" hx-trigger="click[ctrlKey&&shiftKey]">Control-Shift Click Me</div>

Note that all symbols used in the expression will be resolved first against the triggering event, and then next against the global namespace, so myEvent[foo] will first look for a property named foo on the event, then look for a global symbol with the name foo

Standard Event Modifiers

Standard events can also have modifiers that change how they behave. The modifiers are:

Here is an example of a search box that searches on keyup, but only if the search value has changed and the user hasn’t typed anything new for 1 second:

<input name="q"
       hx-get="/search" hx-trigger="keyup changed delay:1s"

The response from the /search url will be appended to the div with the id search-results.

Non-standard Events

There are some additional non-standard events that htmx supports:

Triggering via the HX-Trigger header

If you’re trying to fire an event from HX-Trigger response header, you will likely want to use the from:body modifier. E.g. if you send a header like this HX-Trigger: my-custom-event with a response, an element would likely need to look like this:

  <div hx-get="/example" hx-trigger="my-custom-event from:body">
    Triggered by HX-Trigger header...

in order to fire.

This is because the header will likely trigger the event in a different DOM hierarchy than the element that you wish to be triggered. For a similar reason, you will often listen for hot keys from the body.


By using the syntax every <timing declaration> you can have an element poll periodically:

<div hx-get="/latest_updates" hx-trigger="every 1s">
  Nothing Yet!

This example will issue a GET to the /latest_updates URL every second and swap the results into the innerHTML of this div.

If you want to add a filter to polling, it should be added after the poll declaration:

<div hx-get="/latest_updates" hx-trigger="every 1s [someConditional]">
  Nothing Yet!

Multiple Triggers

Multiple triggers can be provided, separated by commas. Each trigger gets its own options.

  <div hx-get="/news" hx-trigger="load, click delay:1s"></div>

This example will load /news immediately on page load, and then again with a delay of one second after each click.

Via JavaScript

The AJAX request can be triggered via JavaScript htmx.trigger(), too.
