htmx Idiomorph Extension

Idiomorph is a DOM morphing algorithm created by the htmx creator. DOM morphing is a process where an existing DOM tree is “morphed” into the shape of another in a way that resuses as much of the existing DOM’s nodes as possible. By preserving nodes when changing from one tree to another you can present a much smoother transition between the two states.

You can use the idiomorph morphing algorithm as a swapping strategy by including the idiomorph extension.


<script src=""></script>


Once you have referenced the idiomorph extension, you can register it with the name morph on the body and then being using morph, morph:outerHTML or morph:innerHTML as swap strategies.

<body hx-ext="morph">

    <button hx-get="/example" hx-swap="morph">
        Morph My Outer HTML

    <button hx-get="/example" hx-swap="morph:outerHTML">
        Morph My Outer HTML
    <button hx-get="/example" hx-swap="morph:innerHTML">
        Morph My Inner HTML
