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htmx Essays
htmx lore
Prefer If Statements To Polymorphism...
Codin' Dirty
Web Components Work Great with htmx
Next.js to htmx — A Real World Example
Why Gumroad Didn't Choose htmx
You Can't Build Interactive Web Apps Except as Single Page Applications... And Other Myths
Web Security Basics (with htmx)
htmx sucks
Model/View/Controller (MVC)
Is htmx Just Another JavaScript Framework?
Why I Tend Not To Use Content Negotiation
Does Hypermedia Scale?
The #ViewSource Affordance
Another Real World React -> htmx Port
Why htmx Does Not Have a Build Step
REST Copypasta
Hypermedia On Whatever you'd Like
View Transitions
Architectural Sympathy
Hypermedia Clients
Hypermedia-Friendly Scripting
When Should You Use Hypermedia?
A Real World React -> htmx Port
Template Fragments
How Did REST Come To Mean The Opposite of REST?
10 Tips For Building SSR/HDA applications
Two Approaches To Decoupling
Hypermedia-Driven Applications
A Response To "Have Single-Page Apps Ruined the Web?"
Splitting Your Data & Application APIs: Going Further
Hypermedia APIs vs. Data APIs
REST - Explained For Beginners
Complexity Budget
SPA Alternative
Locality of Behaviour (LoB)
Ye Olde Intercooler.js Essays
Take HTML Seriously
HATEOAS Is For Humans
The API Churn/Security Trade-off
Rescuing REST From the API Winter